Category: Featured News

January Monthly Newsletter/ Noticias Mensuales de Enero

Here is our January newsletter. It has information about school of choice, dates for our ELA-PAC and Coffee with the principal meetings, and much more! / Aquí está el boletín de enero. Tiene información sobre Escojo my Escuela, fechas paraContinue Reading

Monthly Newsletter / Noticias Familiares Mensual

Here is the newsletter from December. See what news, question of the week, important dates we have going on this month. / Aquí está el boletín de diciembre. Vea qué noticias, pregunta de la semana, fechas importantes que tenemos esteContinue Reading

In person and Remote Option Clarification / Aclaración de la Opción En persona y Remota

Our principal Alex has a quick clarifying message regarding in person and remote options for when we come back in January. / Nuestra directora Alex tiene un mensaje sobre la aclaración de las opciones de en persona y remota paraContinue Reading

Monthly Family Newsletter/Boletín de Noticias Familiar Mensual

Here is Novembers Newsletter. Have a look to see important dates for this month and much more./Aquí está el boletín de noticias de noviembre. Puede ver fechas importantes de este mes y mucho más. November family newsletter Boletín de NoticiasContinue Reading

Spirit Week and Day of the Dead Celebration/Semana de Espíritu y Celebración de Día de Muertos

We had an amazing time this past week with our celebrations! Check out the videos so you can see what went on inside DCIS at Fairmont during our Spirit Week/Day of the Dead!/¡La pasamos genial la semana pasada con nuestrasContinue Reading

Back to Remote Learning for 3rd-5th Grade/De Regreso al Aprendizaje Remoto para 3ro-5to Grado

3rd-5th In-Person Students move to Remote starting next week: Due to the Safer at Home order and DPS’s announcement, starting Monday, November 2nd all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade classes will return to remote teaching and learning.  Look for a newContinue Reading

!Silent Auction From Oct 12th to Oct 31st/¡Subasta Silenciosa del 12 al 31 de Octubre

Hello DCIS at Fairmont Community and Families!  As many of you know, we were unable to hold our largest PTA Fundraiser, the Rug Rat Bash and Silent Auction, last April due the unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic.  However, since we collected soContinue Reading

October News Letter / Boletín de Noticias de Octubre

Take a look at this months exciting events, important dates and so much more! / ¡Eche un vistazo a los emocionantes eventos de este mes, las fechas importantes y mucho más! Español: Boletín de las noticias de octubre English: OctoberContinue Reading

ECE first weeks of school!/ ¡Primeras semanas de ECE!

Check out how much joy our ECE students are having in their in person classrooms! / ¡Miren cuanta alegría tienen nuestros estudiantes de ECE en sus las clases presenciales!

Our first weeks of school./Nuestras primeras semanas de escuela.

Have a look at our amazing DCIS at Fairmont community coming together to learn!/¡Eche un vistazo a nuestra increíble comunidad de DCIS en Fairmont que se une para aprender!

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