What does it mean to be an international studies school?
Denver Center for International Studies schools strive to develop college and career ready, globally competent high school, middle school, and elementary school graduates. We believe that global competency is acquired by:
Looking at and teaching topics through the four domains of global learning: Investigate the World, Communicate Ideas, Recognize and Weigh Perspectives, and Take Action
Infusing the four domains of global learning into our every day teaching
Connecting every lesson to one or more of the four domains, so that students will have a solid background on what it means to develop global competency
Providing travel opportunities (overnights and field trips), after school programs (PeaceJam), and unique school curriculum (Immersion), Global Themes, Country studies)
Centering Equity and Inclusion in our daily practice with students and adults
Project-Based Learning focused on current events, social justice, and global themes (such as Human Rights, Our Community, Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+, Taking care of our Community)
Community partnerships with local nonprofits to make our community a better place (such as: African Community Center, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Growhaus, Bessie’s Hope, and Project Angel Heart)
Global Themes/Service Projects
Brown Bag Lunches
Brown bag lunches are a chance for students to authentically investigate hobbies, professional careers, and topics of interest to further learn about the world around them.
Brown bag lunches:
Happen during lunch and students can opt-in
Are bi-monthly, for grades 1-5
Bring students and their lunch to the auditorium to listen and participate in a hands on lesson or experience
Encourage students to report their learning back to their class.
Have included: Uncovering the Titanic, Dinosaurs and Fossils, Denver Dumb Friends League, Brain Games: Alzheimer’s Association, Star Wars in Your Backyard, MLK’s Message, Songs of Selma, Ventriloquism and Puppet Workshop, Earth Day, Japan in the Schools, Titanic Shuffleboard, Recycling, and many more!
Overnights field trips at DCIS at Fairmont
Are designed to be an integral part of the education students receive
Aim to instill the confidence and skills to create students who are eager to explore, learn, and change the world around them
Are a big part of how we can provide opportunities for our students, and develop their desire to learn from the world around them
Encourage DCIS at Fairmont students and parents to foster independence so students will be excited to travel longer distances in middle and high school
Are not mandatory, but are highly encouraged
Are accessible for all – DCIS at fairmont provides scholarships support and payment plans when needed, so all students can attend trips
Welcome 4 chaperones per classroom (except 5th grade). Chaperones must pass a background check as per DPS policy.