DCIS is a uniform school. We sell many options for students to wear as tops: DCIS at Fairmont shirts (yellow, green, red, blue, purple, and grey), DCIS at Fairmont Hoodies (black), and our “At DCIS at Fairmont We Believe” shirts. Students may wear anything on the bottom, and close-toed shoes. Uniforms can be purchased in the front office. T-shirts are: 1 for $10, 2 for $18, and 5 for $40.
Students will be dropped off and picked up on foot in the back courtyard and playground area of DCIS at Fairmont. They will either line up at their teacher’s outside classroom door or meet their teacher in their designated area. Any student who arrives after 8:05 a.m. will need to go to the main entrance and sign in. Gates to the backfield will be locked between 8:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily for student safety. Pick up and drop off happen at the same spots.
A gentle reminder that school dismissal time is 3:05 pm. It is the DCIS at Fairmont policy that if your child is here after 3:20 pm, parents will be charged $1/minute per child for childcare until the child is picked up. Charges incurred are due upon arrival. Please help us keep our front office fully functional by picking up your children on time, thank you all for your collaboration.
We value ensuring that our students are safe at all times at DCIS at Fairmont. To ensure this safety, we need to make sure that all adults who are in the building are identified and checked in. Gates to the back playground area will stay locked between 8:15 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Any adult who would like to be in the building between 8:15 a.m. and 2:55 p.m. will need to enter through the main office, check-in, and leave identification. This will help us keep all of our students safe.
For students to be the most successful, they need to be at school every day. If your student needs to leave school early or is absent for the day, please call the front office at 720-424-7620. Please bring any documentation for appointments for the absence or tardiness to be excused.