Category: Family Weekly

Week of May 28th/ Semana del 28 de Mayo

Summary/Introduction: Resumen/ Introducción This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had an AMAZING field day! Huge shoutout to Ms. Brooke, who always works so hard in creating a safe, inclusive, and FUN day for everyone. Also be aware that thisContinue Reading

Week of May 13/ Semana del 13 de mayo

Summary/ Introduction Resumen/ Introducción This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had two amazing events! Mr. Warring and our 3rd-5th graders put on another amazing World Music Festival, and the entire school contributed to turning Ms. V’s art room intoContinue Reading

Week of May 6th/ Semana del 6 de Mayo

Summary/Introduction: Resumen/Introducción: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had another awesome overnight! Our 2nd graders went to Schweiger Ranch, visited the Colorado Ballet, and spent the night in our very own school! We had a ton of fun. AlsoContinue Reading

Week of April 8th/ Semana del 8 de Abril

Summary/Introduction: Resumen/ Introducción This week at DCIS at Fairmont we welcomed back students and staff with lots of JOY! We celebrated our 100th YEAR open as a school building, and took the awesome school photo above. Our 3rd-5th graders beginContinue Reading

Week of March 25th & April 1st/ Semana del 25 de Marzo y 1ro de Abril

Summary/Introduction/ Resumen/ Introduccion: This week at DCIS at Fairmont sprung into Spring! We had so much fun seeing students in their superhero outfits, jerseys, future career costumes, neon, and animal costumes! It was a great way to celebrate heading intoContinue Reading

Week of March 4th/ Semana del 4 de marzo

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had an amazing Black History Celebration! Our leaders of the Global Majority put on an amazing performance. We also had lots of fun doing art inspired by Black Artists, andContinue Reading

Week of February 26/Semana del 26 de Febrero

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we continued to celebrate our amazing success on the Fun Run Fundraiser! Thank you for all of your support. Our first graders in Ms. Goes’ class did their overnight to theContinue Reading

Week of February 19th/ Semana Del 19 De Febrero

This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a TON of FUN! See below for a recap of photos and videos from the week. HUGE shoutout to Ms. Brooke for the 11th Annual Love your Neighbor Fun Run – itContinue Reading

Week of: January 29th

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont our 4th and 5th graders continued to learn Archery, and our 3rd graders started swimming again! Also be aware our 3rd – 5th graders will take district interims in literacy thisContinue Reading

Week of January 22nd

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we tried to stay warm after the cold winter storm! Thank you for all the families who have been involved with this year’s budget process. We appreciate your support, always.  –Continue Reading

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