Category: Family Weekly

Week of: December 4th

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we were so happy to welcome back all of our students! We missed them so much, and the building came alive again when students walked in on Monday morning. Also beContinue Reading

Week of: November 27

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we have had SO much joy, learning, and passion through our Design for Change topics and groups. We are excited to continue to share our learning with our community. Also beContinue Reading

Week of October 30th

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont our Girls of the Global Majority had a visit with Candi CdeBaca  – huge shout out to Ms. Brooke for organizing these amazing opportunities! Also be aware we have LOTS ofContinue Reading

Week of: October 23rd

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we welcomed and Immersive Orchestra Experience. It was a really cool music and learning experience for our kiddos.  Also be aware next week is our last home soccer game! Come cheerContinue Reading

Week of October 16th

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a great, short week! We hope everyone enjoyed a mini fall break as our teachers engaged in some meaningful learning around our community and literacy practices. We look forwardContinue Reading

Week of October 9th 

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had amazing turnout for our annual International Festival! Thank you to all who attended. Also be aware there is no school for students Thursday, Friday, or Monday. Parent conferences areContinue Reading

Week of October 2nd

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had students dressed up for picture day; our MI-S students, ECE3 students, and some 4th graders participated in Adaptive Field Day; and we had our very first student monthly assembliesContinue Reading

Week of: September 25th

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont some of our students to a trip to Bowlero! We also had our first fire drill, and students did amazing! Reminder that MONDAY is Individual Picture day. See below for moreContinue Reading

Week of September 17

Español abajo This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had our first overnight field trip!  Our 5th graders had an incredible time in Breckenridge.  Read below. Today is also the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month!  Students will be learningContinue Reading

Week of September 11th

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had an amazing back to school night! Thank you to all who came out. We will be working on hanging all of the culture and identity projects in the mainContinue Reading

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