Category: Featured News

Week of October 14th / Semana del 14 de octubre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we honored our September Ambassadors! We are so proud of our students for showing all of our core values and being ambassadors and role models for the classroom. We also celebrated students whoContinue Reading

Week of October 7 / Semana del 7 de octubre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we welcomed our kiddos back after a few days off. We’ve taken our Unit 1 Assessments, enjoyed the continued warm weather at recess, and started to learn about our core value focus forContinue Reading

Week of September 30 / Semana del 30 de septiembre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont our second graders all got bikes – HOW COOL! A big thank you to Wish for Wheels for coordinating this donation for us. We also had many meaningful, productive conferences with our families.Continue Reading

Week of September 23 / Semana del 23 de septiembre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont our 5th graders had the very first overnight of the year! They had so much fun in Breckenridge climbing rock walls, doing boating, and practicing their team-building skills. Also, be aware there isContinue Reading

Week of September 16 / Semana del 16 de septiembre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we did a ton of learning! Students are deep in learning about Fables, Class Tales, and writing personal narratives. In math students are learning about place value, addition and subtraction, volume, writing multiplicationContinue Reading

Week of September 9th / Semana del 9 de septiembre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a large number of families join us for Coffee with the Principal! Thank you for being there to visit with our new principal. Also be aware as it gets cooler inContinue Reading

Week of Sep 2nd / Semana del 2 de Septiembre

Featured Image: Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a fun, full week of learning! Thank you to all who came out for our Back to School Night on Wednesday! It was great to see so many families.Continue Reading

Week of August 26th / Semana del 26 de Agosto

Summary / Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we were so happy to welcome our students back! Our 5th graders participated in some team building on Monday, and everyone else returned Tuesday. We’ve had an amazing week filled withContinue Reading

Ice Cream Social

Join us on August 19th from 3:00pm-4:00pm for our “Meet your Teacher” at the “Ice Cream Social” event in the DCIS at Fairmont courtyard. Acompáñanos este 19 de agosto de 3:00pm-4:00pm para “Conoce a tu Maestro” en nuestro evento “IceContinue Reading

Week of May 28th/ Semana del 28 de Mayo

Summary/Introduction: Resumen/ Introducción This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had an AMAZING field day! Huge shoutout to Ms. Brooke, who always works so hard in creating a safe, inclusive, and FUN day for everyone. Also be aware that thisContinue Reading

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