
Week of March 25th & April 1st/ Semana del 25 de Marzo y 1ro de Abril

Summary/Introduction/ Resumen/ Introduccion: This week at DCIS at Fairmont sprung into Spring! We had so much fun seeing students in their superhero outfits, jerseys, future career costumes, neon, and animal costumes! It was a great way to celebrate heading intoContinue Reading

Welcome Our New Principal!

English Below Al asumir mi rol en DCIS en Fairmont, llego con una visión de construir sobre la sólida base establecida por aquellos que vinieron antes que yo. Quiero extender mi más sincero agradecimiento a la Directora Alex Wenzel porContinue Reading

Month of March and April/ Mes de marzo y abril

Dear Families,The outpouring of support from our community during the Fun Run fundraising was incredible! We are overwhelmed with the success! The funds we raised will go a long way in supporting our school maintaining supplies in all our classrooms.Continue Reading