Category: Featured News

Week of March 31st/Semana del 31 de marzo

Summary/Introduction: Last week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a great last week before Spring Break! We celebrated our March Ambassadors and our 3rd – 5th graders continued working hard in preparation to show everything they know on the CMASContinue Reading

Week of March 17th/Semana del 17 de marzo

Summary/Introduction: Last week at DCIS at Fairmont we enjoyed the lovely spring weather outside! Last weekend, a few of our 4th and 5th graders were invited to the Governor’s Mansion and got to meet the governor himself! This week isContinue Reading

Week of March 10th/Semana del 10 de marzo

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont, our 4th and 5th graders had some amazing field trips to Meow Wolf in preparation for our amazing Meow Wolf end-of-year art exhibit. Last week we celebrated our February ambassadors, pictured above! Also,Continue Reading

Week of March 3rd/Semana del 3 de febrero

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we finally had amazing weather for our fun run, we had another overnight to the aquarium, celebrated our February Ambassadors, and had some wonderful learning about Black History. Also, be aware this FridayContinue Reading

Week of February 24th/Semana del 24 de febrero

Summary/Introduction: Last week at DCIS at Fairmont, we tried to survive the cold! We are excited for some warmer temperatures this week and to finally be able to engage in our Fun Run. We appreciate all of our students andContinue Reading

Week of February 17th/Semana del 17 de febrero

Summary/Introduction: Last week at DCIS at Fairmont we had so many fun celebrations – celebrating our amazing community in supporting DCIS at Fairmont with our fun run fundraiser. We had costumes, a roller race, extra recesses, and more. Next weekContinue Reading

Week of February 10th/Semana del 10 de febrero

Summary/Introduction: Last week at DCIS at Fairmont we kicked off our annual fundraiser! As of Friday afternoon, we raised $5,965 earning us a free dress day. MONDAY will be a free dress day! Also be aware the fundraiser will continueContinue Reading

Week of February 3rd/Semana del 3 de febrero

Summary/Introduction: This past week at DCIS at Fairmont we closed out January by honoring our January ambassadors and celebrating their commitment to our core values.  Also be aware our annual FUN RUN Fundraiser begins FRIDAY, February 7th. More information isContinue Reading

Week of January 27th/Semana del 27 de enero

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we survived the cold! Please remember to have students bring jackets, hats, gloves, etc. on cold days. If the sun is out and it warms up, we will go outside! Students need theContinue Reading

Week of January 20/Semana del 20 de enero

Summary/Introduction: This past week at DCIS at Fairmont we had some very cold, and very warm, days! It’s going to be really cold this week, please make sure students bring hats, jackets, and gloves so they are warm if we’reContinue Reading

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