Category: Featured News

Month of November and December/ Mes de Noviembre y Diciembre

Note from School Admin: Dear Families,    Happy Holiday Season!  This is always a time for gratitude and appreciation and we are grateful for each of YOU. Our incredible families and community that make this such a wonderful place to learn, connectContinue Reading

Monthly Literacy Nights for ECE and Kinder Families!

Kids Reading Connection is running Literacy Nights Monthly on Wednesdays focusing on ECE-Kinder students (older siblings welcome!). This is a great opportunity for the whole family! 

Week of October 30th

Español Abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont our Girls of the Global Majority had a visit with Candi CdeBaca  – huge shout out to Ms. Brooke for organizing these amazing opportunities! Also be aware we have LOTS ofContinue Reading

Week of: October 23rd

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we welcomed and Immersive Orchestra Experience. It was a really cool music and learning experience for our kiddos.  Also be aware next week is our last home soccer game! Come cheerContinue Reading

Design for Change Week 2023

Design for Change week is November 9th-15th, 2023! Students will spend the whole week learning about a topic of their choice and coming up solutions to improve things in their community! Learn more about Design for Change here and beContinue Reading

Week of October 16th

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had a great, short week! We hope everyone enjoyed a mini fall break as our teachers engaged in some meaningful learning around our community and literacy practices. We look forwardContinue Reading

Kids Reading Connection 2023-24

We are excited to offer Kids Reading Connection again monthly this school year! See the dates below It is a monthly program offered by DCIS in partnership with the Junior League of Denver. Families are served dinner, read the bookContinue Reading

International Festival 2023

Thank you to all of your support for our 3rd annual International Festival! It was a roaring success with learning, sharing, food and performances! So many of our families and community partners helped out to make this year extra specialContinue Reading

Week of October 9th 

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had amazing turnout for our annual International Festival! Thank you to all who attended. Also be aware there is no school for students Thursday, Friday, or Monday. Parent conferences areContinue Reading

Week of October 2nd

Español abajo Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we had students dressed up for picture day; our MI-S students, ECE3 students, and some 4th graders participated in Adaptive Field Day; and we had our very first student monthly assembliesContinue Reading

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