
Week of October 21/Semana del 21 de octubre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we officially opened our Inclusive Playground! The kids have been having so much fun on the equipment, and we are so grateful and proud of the work that went into this student-led project,Continue Reading

Week of October 14th / Semana del 14 de octubre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we honored our September Ambassadors! We are so proud of our students for showing all of our core values and being ambassadors and role models for the classroom. We also celebrated students whoContinue Reading

Week of October 7 / Semana del 7 de octubre

Summary/Introduction: This week at DCIS at Fairmont we welcomed our kiddos back after a few days off. We’ve taken our Unit 1 Assessments, enjoyed the continued warm weather at recess, and started to learn about our core value focus forContinue Reading