Category: Featured News

!Silent Auction From Oct 12th to Oct 31st/¡Subasta Silenciosa del 12 al 31 de Octubre

Hello DCIS at Fairmont Community and Families!  As many of you know, we were unable to hold our largest PTA Fundraiser, the Rug Rat Bash and Silent Auction, last April due the unfortunate COVID-19 pandemic.  However, since we collected soContinue Reading

October News Letter / Boletín de Noticias de Octubre

Take a look at this months exciting events, important dates and so much more! / ¡Eche un vistazo a los emocionantes eventos de este mes, las fechas importantes y mucho más! Español: Boletín de las noticias de octubre English: OctoberContinue Reading

ECE first weeks of school!/ ¡Primeras semanas de ECE!

Check out how much joy our ECE students are having in their in person classrooms! / ¡Miren cuanta alegría tienen nuestros estudiantes de ECE en sus las clases presenciales!

Our first weeks of school./Nuestras primeras semanas de escuela.

Have a look at our amazing DCIS at Fairmont community coming together to learn!/¡Eche un vistazo a nuestra increíble comunidad de DCIS en Fairmont que se une para aprender!

September News Letter / Boletín de Noticias de Septiembre

Here are the links to this months newsletter! / ¡Aquí esta el enlace para en boletín de noticias de este mes!

NEW: ECE is reopening on September 14th! Contact our main line to enroll. See information here for how we are keeping everyone safe while centering joy and fun!

English:  Welcome to ECE Video Our ECE Covid Plan Remote Back to School Night tomorrow! Español: Bienvenidos a ECE Video Nuestra ECE Plan de Covid Noche de Regreso a la Escuela Remota

August Family Newsletter

Here are the links to our most recent family newsletters.

Check Out Our New Website!

We’re pleased to have a new website to more easily share news and information about our school and students. As with all things new, we know there may be an adjustment period and we appreciate your feedback. Please let usContinue Reading

Letter from the DCIS @ Fairmont Administration, May 29, 2020

Thank you for an amazing 2019-2020 school year! Flexibility has been the name of the game, and I want to thank ALL of our students and families for being so flexible through our hurdles this year. The last three monthsContinue Reading

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